If you're missing a tooth, it might be time to start thinking about how it stops you from having a beautiful smile and how it's affecting your oral health. It might be time to come to Burnhamthorpe Dental in Etobicoke.
Aside from the discomfort that can come with a missing tooth, there are other problems that can occur. To start, teeth act as placeholders that keep other teeth from shifting. When a tooth is extracted, shifting teeth can pose a problem and affect the surrounding teeth. It also makes it easier for neighbouring teeth to become susceptible to decay and gum disease.
One of the cosmetic solutions we can offer for patients missing teeth is called a dental bridge.
A dental bridge is a false tooth that can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. Typically it is made up of an artificial tooth that is sandwiched between two crowns, relying on the teeth on either side of the missing tooth for support and to ensure correct alignment. This procedure can reduce your risk of gum disease, correct minor bite issues, and even improve your speech!
If you're missing a tooth come into our Etobicoke Dental Office and ask us if a dental bridge is right for you. Your smile will thank you.